The big switch to sustainable wipes

Hi all happy Monday, what a glorious day it is here in bristol a little windy but ill take that over rain any day. I can feel spring blooming brighter days are definitely on the way. A great season for change. We’ve been testing out cheeky reusable wipes and the swap from single-use wipes has been so easy. At first, was a bit weird as wasn’t what I was used to but it’s now just part of the routine. I will never go back I’m quite unorganised and often run out of wipes but as I’m periodically washing and making the wipes every two days when I was the towels take no time at all. I was sent the all-in-one kits to review in pr and was hoping to share them with you a lot sooner but life gets busy when you have 3 kids who knew. Im glad to have to have taken a little longer because I can honestly say during the several weeks we’ve been reviewing we’ve been really happy with the switch.

I’ve found that using reusable wipes has actually meant we have a much more efficient nappy change because they are a lot wetter than normal wipes so we’re able to change Rosie quicker before she crawls off faster than the speed of light. We found two wipes and she’s good to go then just pop the mucky wipes into the mucky box.

To see how I set up our cheeky wipes see the video here! Terrible video skills but the reset is satisfying.

We own two sets so we can switch between the two both are perfect for our needs as a family of five with lots of mucky hands and Rosie defiantly has lots of mucky mess to sort out the cheeky monkey.I recommend the complete starter set Reusable Baby Wipes Kit – PREMIUM All-In-One kit which is completely customizable to your needs and its everything you’ll need in one go and with one expense. Cheeky wipes offer a lot of variety and I’ve been eyeing up my next order.

I hope to have swapped out all my single-use papers, period and cosmetic items by the end of 2023 and I’m annoyed at myself for not making the swaps sooner not only saving the planet but saving money. Switching to reusable wipes is a no-brainer more cost-effective and more delicate on little bottoms. 10/10 from us at mummyandmex2. Thanks for reading have the best day Jade x

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