Garden makes

Hi all I hope you are doing well, Hello spring and this lovely warm weather we’ve been having ….hope I haven’t just jinxed it. We’ve been having lots of fun in the garden creating and making memories ours is rather unruly I must admit some of the crafts were easier than others we have used a lot of materials we just had lying around so cheap if not free the recycling bin is often a good spot to start

The found things spring art

Paper /card (whatever you have ) , colours, A little imagination

  1. Go around your garden/ or outdoor space and collect leaves, sticks bark, stones whatever takes your fancy and doesn’t damage the environment. My Children used a little plant pot we had lying around did take them long to fill it up.
  2. Look at all the found things and use your imagination. you can either stick it down or keep reusing it to make endless pictures.
  3. If you wanna get fancy you could use some of what you’ve found to make a collage.

Bird watching binoculars

You will need

Cardboard toilet roll tubes, scissors, string(again optional), any glue and optional decorations (Harrison used blue tissue paper from a parcel.

  1. source your materials.
  2. Glue the tubes together
  3. wait to dry and add sting.

step 4 is completely optional decorate them however you wish Harrison glued on tissue paper and gems and declared they are his bird goggles.

(Top tip if you’d rather make a telescope (or you have no glue) using 3 toilet roll tubes and slot them into each other )

There are so many possibilities, with a little imagination and a keen little maker hours of fun to be had. Hopefully not at the expense of the flower beds. Have a wonderful spring and thanks for reading Jade from

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