2022 is the year to be organised

Hi, all I hope you are all doing well 17 days in and I’m still feeling the post-Christmas burnout. I really need to get myself back into a routine, if honest completely overwhelmed the never-ending to-do list, as well as the rising cost of living, has me stressed and slightly worried with baby number 3 on the way in 12 weeks. I need to get a grip and take control of the situation get everything ready. This will probably improve my mental well-being too who needs that extra worry.

Ive got a great planner where I can write and plan what needs to be done each week I think some might call it a productivity planner. In mine, it’s set out like a grid with 6 spaces for each day manageable and you can use it to work for you, for instance, ill use mine like this :

  • Box 1 – Any appointments for that day with the time and place.
  • Box 2- Ill use for any bills / money spent that day ( ill do a full post on this system it may help)
  • Box 3 – Any blog/ collabs stuff i want to get done.
  • Box 4 – IMPORTANT TASK like defrosting meat for tea the day after , setting out the school
  • Box 5 – Cleaning well 3 extra jobs each day to keep on top of everything. (Not including the usual daily chores)sometimes im tired so i might not get them done but they get done by the end of the week. seeing them all ticked off makes me feel like ive won.
  • Box 6 – Meal plan this also helps to save money and time who knew adulting was always having to think about the food we feed the family. This saves time and mobey so definatly worth the time spent. (Tip always check the freezer first someone found alot of multiples in hers)

Obviously, these might not be for everyone but they just make sense for me and what my family need. Well, what I need to keep my sanity. I also find by getting it done in the morning around the school runs I can enjoy a nice cup of tea or two before the pickup and go to bed without the mental fog. It is great to be somewhat prepared for the next day and will help with routine and eventually becomes a habit.

Thanks for reading id love the hear your top organising tips or how you get motivated , Have a great week Jade x

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