Learning made fun with connetix

Good morning, I hope you are having another glorious day. The days are growing longer and I can almost smell the extra 20 mins sleep. The summer holidays are coming fast and I think my children and I are so ready. Emily will be going into year five and Harrison into year one it feels like they have only just started in their current year, Emily has had another great year my intelligent, bubbly, confident little butterfly and Harrison is equally as intelligent but a little more reserved yet caring, sometimes he’s a little naughty and won’t apply himself I worry quite a lot for him going into year one. I feel as if he is a very visually playful learner, and the normal construct of the curriculum may be challenging for him, so I will help at home if I am able to. I’m very lucky because his school not only has a great staff but an amazing team of support workers that will be there to support him with the big changes.

During the holidays we are quite laid back but as the helicopter parent I am I do like to have a little mooch at the children’s curriculum framework for the upcoming year and see if I can give them a little headstart on topics or mathematics they might be learning. Not to toot my horn but maths is a strong point and Liam loves to read with the children so they both excel. We’ve always tried to nurture their strengths and help them practice in any non-pushy way we can with no pressure, we’re quite lucky they will initiate and ask for help because they want to fully understand what they are being taught. Emily in particular comes to me as she is very headstrong and wants to know the ins and outs of everything, I may be biased but Einstein of the making that one and with little eyes watching here definitely got lucky. Now that’s enough of me fluffing the kid’s egos and I’m really excited to share our latest educational collaboration with connetix.

About Connetix

Connetix is an award-winning company which specialises in creative and educational play. Launched in 2019 Connectix was founded by two families who were not only parents but working in the educational field. They saw how their children enjoyed playing with magnets tiles and learning in the process. so they came up with their own design with the special rivets and food safe for extra safety. The idea is that as your child grows older and their learning abilities become more advance the connetix can grow with them. Connetix as a company pride itself on creating a high-quality product that can be enjoyed for years to come.

212-piece rainbow mega pack

What is stem you might ask? Stem is an approach to learning on which science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Through stem, learners are able to develop fundamental skills which help enrich their education and learning capabilities including problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity. I think a set such as this is crucial for bringing back good old fashion play for too long the children have been so immersed in online gaming and digital play. I have noticed that some don’t know what to do when they’re not online it’s like they don’t know what to do and can at times lack creativity. we’ve recently limited youtube and screen time as we had noticed a change in behaviour, which has been linked to screen time in recent studies I’ve read about. This for me is another Key reason connetix is such a great tool.


  • 1 x Connetix inspiration book
  • 36 x small squares
  • 36 x right-handed triangles
  • 36 x Obtuse triangle
  • 36 x Acute triangles
  • 12 x small rectangles
  • 12 x Cut out squares
  • 12 x Window squares
  • 2 x wheels
  • 12 x big squares
  • 6 x big hexagons

Where play and learning connect, what can I say how thrilled we are to have this wonderful set. My children have had a blast creating houses, trains and countless other models. A welcomed educational tool and toys this is the most reached for of our collection. Ive been really pleased with their lack of screen time due to the magnetic draw of this fantastic education tool.

I can set the activities and know , I don’t need to worry too much about the safety of the baby if she were to get a hold of one making playtime less time l stressfull , not only myself but for the older children, although we have had a few tears when the little terror bashes their creations down, im thanksful for the safety features , the extra rivest and food safe plastic helps to ensure the children are safe

(That being said Connetix is not recommended for children under three years old due to the potential risk of choking. Rosie barely played with them, but this is mentioned to show that they were still better compared to other magnetic toys.)

2 Creative play ideas

  1. Use a variety of pieces to make 2d model spaceships and race them across the floor/carpets Harrison and his super speed was a winner, he also enjoyed making different aniamals see the turtle above his name was Cliff.

2. Build your favourite landmark or building Emily enjoyed this one a quickly built Hagrid’s hut no need to guess which franchise shes enjoying at the moment, we’ve also built the local church and suspension bridge quite successfully ill have to update with pictures, we got a bit immersed in play then the baby woke up and destroyed everything.

3 Educational play ideas

  1. A simple spelling game each week both children bring home spellings to their dismay we now use the connetix tiles and a whiteboard pen to help us practice tricky words and

2. Math help for Harrison by using a whiteboard pen to write on the tiles I was able to help him with his maths homework making it more fun and keeping him engaged. Something we often struggle with as he is very freespirited.

3. creating 2d and 3 shapes to help demonstrate mathematical equations with Emily, we used the piece and help you to find a greater understanding of fractions with a vibrant visual aid. which are now been mastered. This even helped me you can never be too old to learn.

To learn more please head over to www.connetixtiles.com and see all the wonderful sets available we will most definitely be adding the rainbow ball set to our own collection.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you considered adding connetix to your educational collection you won’t be disappointed and neither will the children who enjoy it with you. The versatility and infinite creativity ignited in my children away from a screen has been magical, we thoroughly enjoyed our time and they let me join in I’m a cool mom now because I can think up fun games. Comment below what kind of games would you create and have a wonderful day jade x

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