Spirituality, healing and me book review

Hi, all hope you are well, and having a fabulous bank holiday. Today I’m posting my latest book review as part of the lit.er.al.ry pr book tour, I’m so thrilled to be involved as I really enjoyed reading “Spiritual, healing and Me” by Ilana Estelle with a lovely foreword from Kay Reynolds. I think my being part of this book tour could have been a divine intervention I’ve been one overwhelmed, worn-out shadow of my former self lately not finding much joy in any of the things I do, when I get like this I need to get my mindset in check you’re never going to cheer up if you don’t change how you think. easier said than done I will be the first to say I am my own worse nightmare at times but at the heart of the negativity is my positive happy self she comes back eventually but some of my demons will always haunt me but they don’t have to define me.

Spiritual healing and me

Spritual healing and me is Absolutely a must read. I’ve struggled to put it down and I know I’ll be rereading as it’s filled with all the knowledge and wisdom of the spiritual mindset. I’ve really loved how the chapters in places were broken down into sections allowing me to have a more in-depth well informed understanding and allows me to put down and pick up when the children need me without missing a single sentence.

If you’re looking for solace in this gloomy world we live in, this is the book for you I can’t say it’ll answer all your problems but I can say it give you hope and a healthier mindset which is a great starting point for change in your lives. Thank you to literally pr and Ilana for letting me be part of the tour and thank you to all my readers too i know this is a book you’ll love Jade x

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